Last August my boyfriend brought me some mimosa seeds from Texas. I planted the seeds even though it really wasn’t the time of year to do it the way I did. Amazingly they lived through the winter barely surviving in a spot on a windowsill in my den.
Several times I thought they were about to die as the delicate little leaves were starting to turn yellow. But they survived and while I was carefully going through their ‘nursing’ period with them, I was subconsciously preparing a painting. Here they are still unfolding, breathing the air, reaching for the sky!I know that when they grow into trees, their beautiful pink flowers with be so vibrant just like this painting.
Last August my boyfriend brought me some mimosa seeds from Texas. I planted the seeds even though it really wasn’t the time of year to do it the way I did. Amazingly they lived through the winter barely surviving in a spot on a windowsill in my den.
Several times I thought they were about to die as the delicate little leaves were starting to turn yellow. But they survived and while I was carefully going through their ‘nursing’ period with them, I was subconsciously preparing a painting. Here they are still unfolding, breathing the air, reaching for the sky!I know that when they grow into trees, their beautiful pink flowers with be so vibrant just like this painting.
When I am asked from where I get the inspiration for my paintings, I am never quite sure what to say. It seems that subconsciously I ‘take’ something in without actually knowing it, and then somehow it gets into my mind, heart and spirit and evolves into a representation for something that I had already seen OR sometimes in the case of my ‘Tsunami’ painting, painted an event before it happened. The Magnolia Trail represents my first date with Roy Wood in the mid 70’s, it took me a while to work this one out and only recently came to me.
Dick Plant who engineered our earlier Renaissance albums, was convinced that Roy and I should meet as were both single and a little ‘eccentric’. It tuned out he was right and we hit it off. We went in a foursome with Dick and Annie to Trader Vic’s in the Hilton, Park Lane, London, a Polynesian style restaurant with wonderful ambience and fabulous food. A night to remember particularly as we all had several of their special tropical drinks ‘The Scorpion’, made from white rum and juices etc., wow!!! PLUS the glasses were huge like goldfish bowls, and the drinks were adorned with white magnolia petals…well, we all ate the petals as well and laughed the night away. This was the same evening that we had gone to Hampstead Heath after the dinner to go to the fairground, but we were too late and there ‘was nobody there’.
As promised, the next morning I phoned Betty Thatcher about my date with Roy. From that conversation she was inspired to write ‘Trip to the Fair’ that we recorded for our album ‘Scheherazade and Other Stories’. It’s a wonderful song telling the story of that first interesting and eventful night.
The Magnolia Trail came to me in the last few months, without any thought, it just appeared and it’s only now that it has fallen into place as to what it is. Simply, it is a glass bowl full of magnolia petals, but with a fabulous story to go with it!
Dear Friends:
I will be introducing a new series of paintings for this exhibition: “Celtic Roots and Magical Horizons” which is inspired by the myth and magic of the Celtic lands. This is a most welcomed opportunity to showcase my most recent works as well as classic paintings from my private collection.
I will be at the opening reception on Saturday, September 2nd, between 5:00 pm and 8:00 pm EDT.
Celt-Iberia Traders is located in the historic 1750 Parry Barn at the entrance to the Bucks County Playhouse parking lot in New Hope, PA (52 South Main Street, New Hope, PA 18938). Please call (215) 862-4922 or email www.celtiberiatraders.com with any questions.
Please come and join us, it will be a fun and colorful day!
Love Annie xxxxx
When I paint I usually have no pre conceived ideas, unless I am painting a commission for someone. Then I am given information that I internalize and get my inspiration from that. This painting however was one that just ‘appeared’ on the canvas on it’s own terms.
I see an ocean and a golden beach and under that a night sky and a moon, beyond all of this in the background is a beautiful soft turquoise sky, with unusual looking floating creatures. This very well could be another planet. Then there are three doves depicting to me a future of hope and peace. These different areas flow naturally together creating a calming yet slightly mysterious effect.
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